Goldoni Quad 20 Tractor - Private Individual

"I breed and show rare sheep on my smallholding in Cumbria, running the farm single-handledly and, as all smallholder know only too well, looking after the land can be a big job, with grass too long, fertiliser to spread, harrowing to reseed, to name but a few problems. What can we do? We have to look for contractors who are willing to come out to do these jobs for you. From past experience I have found that because we do not have hundreds of acres, finding a local contractor who can get his large tractor onto our land can be a problem. Then, contractors do not come cheap.

I saw an article about Goldoni Quad Tractors, showing details of CTM in Yorkshire. I telephoned and arranged a demonstration. I might add that I am five foot nothing and did not have a clue as to what I was letting myself in for by wanting to drive my own tractor!

The big day arrived and it was quite daunting to see this mini tractor on Alan Brown's trailer. Once it was unloaded and I had a good look at it, I thought I would never be able to drive it as they are a complete tractor, but in miniature.

However, after it was all explained to me, I was amazed at what I would be able to do for myself on my smallholding. I decided to have one and went for the flotation wheels so that I would not get stuck in the mud and extended footplates for easy access on and off the tractor.

The number of implements and accessories that are available means that you are able to do all your own jobs yourself - I bought a flail mower and fertiliser spreader and have just bought some chain harrows. I cannot emphasise the capabilities of this little machine and all the money I have saved simply by having it to hand and to be able to get on with jobs and not have to wait for contractors to show up (that is if they bother to show up at all).

I cannot speak too highly of the after-sales backup and on the odd occasion that I have had problems (mainly because of being female and not understanding anything about machinery), you always have a friendly voice at the end of the phone and never have to wait to have someone arrive to sort your problem out.

It was definitely the best purchase for my smallholding."

Moira Linaker, Cumbria (2006)

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